Our trip was something none of us will forget with photos and memories that will last forever. We had ups and downs, close calls and a few falls but a trip that had been in the works for almost 6 years had come to an end. We were glad to be heading home but thinking back to how much we had done and the number of countries we had seen. The wonders of the world and the hidden pockets of Asia that only a handful of people had ever seen. We were thankful of the amazing guides we had and the amazing people we met along the way. It was a life changing time that cost a small fortune but was hands down worth every penny. We had time on the plane to kick our feet up after thousands of miles of flying, walking, sailing driving, donkeying, scootering, cameling, luging, and training. We now look back thinking about how much we did but also look forward to the next trip in another time, in another part of this amazing planet.
Wonders of the World: 6
Countries conquered: 17
Total funds depleted: $90,000
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